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Título : Factores de riesgo asociados al desarrollo de secuelas neurológicas en niños con meningitis bacteriana neonatal
Risk factors ano agents causing of catheter-related infections of long-term catheter in children assisted hemato-oncology in the national institute of pediatrics
Creador: Díaz Jíménez, Irma Virginia
Nivel de acceso: Open access
Palabras clave : Meningitis bacteriana - Epidemiología - Recién nacido
Meningitis, Bacterial - Epidemiology - New born
Infección relacionada a catéter a permanencia
Factores de riesgo.
Catheter related infections
Long-term catheter
Risk factors.
Descripción : Antecedentes: Las dos principales complicaciones del uso de catéter a permanencía son infección y trombosis. Varios estudios han demostrado que las tasas de infección en puerto totalmente implantados es mucho mas baja que para los catéteres · Hickman/Broviac. Los factores de riesgo para la adherencia de las bacterias a la superficie del catéter dependen de los siguientes factores: el huésped, los factores microbianos, el material del catéter y el uso a que es sometido el catéter. Los microorganismos predominantes en general causantes de infecciones relacionadas a catéter son los estafilococos coagulasa negativa, sin embargo, la proporción de infecciones relacionadas a catéter causada por bacilos gram negativos es más alta en niños con cáncer en 32-48%. Objetivos: 1. Conocer la epidemiología bacteriana en las infecciones relacionadas a catéter a permanencia en ninos hemato-oncológicos, 2. Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados para desarrollar infección por catéter a permanencia.
Antecedents: The two main complications of the catheter use to permanency are infection and thrombosis. Severa! studies have demonstrated that the infection rates in completely implanted port are a lot but it lowers that for the catheters Hickman/Broviac. The factors of risk for the adherence of the microorganism to the surface of the catheter depend on the following factors: the guest, the microbial factors, the material of the catheter and the use to that it is subjected the catheter. The predominant micro-organisms in general causing of infections related to catheter they are the coagulase-negative staphylococcus, however, the proportion of infections related to catheter caused by gram negative bacilli is higher in children with cancer in 32-48%. Objectives: 1. to know the bacteria! epidemiology in the catheter related infections to permanency in children with cancer 2. To Determine the risk factors associate to develop infection for catheter to permanency. Material and methods: The clinical files of 300 children with cancer were revised to who were placed a catheter to permanency of the type implantable venous access system, Broviac-Hickman or Quinton, during the period of January de1995 to December of the 2003, they were formed 2 groups for their study: the patients with related infection, and those that did not present infectious· process during the stay of the catheter. RESULTS: During the period of study there were 51 infectious processes related to the catheter to permanency, 50% of the type Broviac-Hickman, 50% those of type Quinton, 16.2% of the type implantable port. X: 4.94,p 0.85. lnfection rate related to catheter per 1000 device-days , being in 1995 3.9 while it stops 2003 1 diminish at 0.39, risk factors were age: mean 53.37 months, OS 51 .98 months, t of Student 3.94, p 0.000, IC 95% (17.12-50.39), type of solid tumor 21.1 %, leukemias 1 0.8%, X: 5.39, p 0.020, when the indication of the placement was for transfusion 100% relates to infectious process, following transplant of marrow 33.3% and chemotherapy 16.2%, X: 6.71 , p 0.035. 43.1% of the infections was for pathogen gram negative, 39.3% for gram positive and 17.6% for fungus. The clinical manifestation more frequents was bacteraemia 68.6%, fever without focus 52.9%, infection of the place 21 .6%, cellulitis 13.7%, abscess 5.9%, tunelitis 3.9% and endocarditis 3.9%.
Colaborador(es) u otros Autores: Macias Parra Mercedes
Fecha de publicación : 2004
Tipo de publicación: Otros
Formato: pdf
URI : http://repositorio.pediatria.gob.mx:8180/handle/20.500.12103/466
Idioma: spa
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis

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