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Título : Secular growth in Mexican children
Creador: Valderrama, Alejandro
Nivel de acceso: Open access
Descripción : Precedents Secular growth increment has been reported in many countries as results of better quality of health and life, but in Mexico there is not evidence of secular changes. Objective To verify if there is secular growth changes in Mexican children, comparing actual data with a growth study realized in 1950. Material and Method Prospective, descriptive, observational, comparative, and randomized study realized with healthy children attending public schools in Mexico City. Children were selected in a randomized method but they were included only if both parents are Mexicans, they have not chronic disease or pharmacological treatment in the past two weeks. Age; gender; height (Harpenden stadiometer); recumbent height; weight; arms span, inferior segment, hands, and feet length; cranial, thorax, waist, arm and leg circumferences; subcutaneous adipose fold thickness plicometry; genital volumes in males, and puberty development were consigned. In this report we mention only data referring growth characteristics and the rest of the anthropometrical parameters will be discussed in other works. Results The males with height below mean (3rd to 50th percentiles) are 5 cm taller than those reported in 1950 (p<0.050), but there are not changes in those with height in percentile 90th. In women, those with height in percentile 10th are 3 cm taller, those in percentile 50th remains with the same height and those with height in percentile 90th are 2 cm shorter than those reported en 1950 (p<0.05) Conclusions In the last 50 years, secular growth changes are not similar for Mexican boys and girls. In both cases the lower height has increased 5 and 3 cm, respectively, the mean height are taller in boys, but remain similar in girls, and the higher heights remains similar in boys but has decreased in girls (2 cm) during this period of time
Colaborador(es) u otros Autores: Montesinos Hortensia
Altamirano Nelly
Carillo Claudia
Gómez Cecilia
Ruiz María de la Luz
Goldaracena Francisco
Zúñiga Eva
Gil Julian
García Gabriela
Mejía Mónica
Calzada-León Raúl
Fecha de publicación : 2009
Tipo de publicación: Artículo
Formato: pdf
Identificador del Recurso : 10.1159/000239668
Fuente: Horm Res 72(S3):199
URI : http://repositorio.pediatria.gob.mx:8180/handle/20.500.12103/2794
Idioma: eng
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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