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Título : Development of an hplc method for determination of diphenidol in plasma and its application in an oral multi-dose bioequivalence study in a healthy female Mexican population
Creador: Hernández José
Nivel de acceso: Open access
Palabras clave : Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Presión - métodos
Difenidol farmacocinética
Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid - Methods
Diphenidol - Pharmacokinetics
Diphenidol farmacocinética
 HPLC de fase inversa
 Ensayo clínico de dosis múltiples
Diphenidol pharmacokinetics
Reversed-phase HPLC
Multi-dose clinical trial
Descripción : Diphenidol was determined by an HPLC method developed in our laboratory. It was validated and proved to be linear in the 40–400 ng/ml range. Accuracy for quality-control samples for intra and inter day assays ranged from 96.1–98.9% and 98.8–101.4%, respectively. This method was applied to a multi-dose bioequivalence study. No serious side effects were observed in the multi-dose design. Pharmacokinetic parameters (mean ± standard error [S.E.]) of Cavg (ng/ml) and AUCtau (ng h/ml) for reference and test products were 139.54 ± 12.66 versus 148.60 ± 16.51 and 551.07 ± 53.53 versus 588.78 ± 69.02, respectively. Log-transformed values were compared by analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by the classical 90% confidence interval (CI 90%) test and Schuirmann’s test. Confidence limits ranged from 91.48–116.18% for Cmax and from 91.24–117.65% for AUCtau. These results suggest that the analytical method was linear, precise, and accurate for our purpose, and that both assayed formulations were bioequivalent
Colaborador(es) u otros Autores: Marcelín Jiménez G
Rivera L
Alionka PA
Contreras L
Hinojosa M
Martínez-Rossier L
Amancio O
Fernández A.Marcelín-Jimenez
L. Rivera
P. Angeles Alionka
L. Contreras
M. Hinojosa
L. Martínez-Rossier
O. Amancio
A. Fernandez
Fecha de publicación : 2005
Tipo de publicación: Artículo
Formato: pdf
Identificador del Recurso : http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpba.2005.01.037
Fuente: J Pharm Biomed Anal 38(4):746-750
URI : http://repositorio.pediatria.gob.mx:8180/handle/20.500.12103/2275
Idioma: eng
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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