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Título : Prevalencia de bruxismo en pacientes de primera vez en el Instituto Nacional de Pediatría
Prevalence of bruxism in odontopediatric patients seen at the Instituto Nacional de Pediatría
Creador: de la Teja Ángeles, Eduardo
Nivel de acceso: Open access
Palabras clave : Bruxismo - Epidemiología
Bruxismo Del Sueño - Epidemiología
Trastornos de La Articulación Temporomandibular - Epidemiología
Desgaste de los Dientes - Epidemiología
Bruxism - Epidemiology
Sleep Bruxism - Epidemiology
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders - Epidemiology
Tooth Wear - Epidemiology
Desgaste Dental
Articulación Temporomandibular
Dental Attrition
Temporo-Mandibular Articulation.
Descripción : Antecedentes: El bruxismo es el acto de rechinar los dientes inconsciente y compulsivamente, durante el sueño o para liberar tensión durante la vigilia. Diseño: Retrospectivo, transversal, descriptivo, observacional, clínico. Material y métodos: Se analizaron los expedientes odontopediátricos de pacientes de primera consulta en el Servicio de Estomatología del INP. Se anotaron: edad, género, peso y talla, desgaste dental y en su caso, características de la afección clínica. La información se describió numéricamente mediante medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión. Respecto a la estadística inferencial, a manera de variable explicativa fungió el tipo de padecimiento observado (Grupo I, neurológico; Grupo II, alérgico y Grupo III, otros padecimientos). Las técnicas estadísticas de dos-colas con a = 0.05, se seleccionaron en función de la escala de medición de las variables involucradas
Background: Bruxism is a nonfunctional grinding or gnashing of teeth, with or without audible sounds. Objective: To determine the prevalence of bruxism in odontopediatric patients. Design: Retrospective, cross-sectíonal, descriptive, observational, clinical. Setting and date: Stomatology Service in the Nationallnstitute of Pediatrics, during the year 2000. Material and methods: All odontopedíatric files of patients were analyzed, independently of their curren! pathology and teething type. The following dala were recorded: age, gender, weight and height, dental attrition and whenever any alteration was present, its clinical characteristics. The information was described numerically by means of central tendency and dispersion measurements. To perform statistical tests as explanatory variable the observed alteration type (Group ~. neurological, Group 11, allergic and Group 111 , others) was used. Statistical techniques were two-tailed with a = 0.05 and were selected in terms of the measurement scale of the involved variables. Results: 310 of 710 first-time odontopediatric patients presented bruxism. In Group 1, there were 107 patients; 51 in Group 11, and 152 in Group 111. Significan! differences were detected in age, weight and height, as well as gender and clínica! affection. Discussion : In Group 1, clínica! affection was in 22% of the patients; females were prevalen! (52%). In spite of the reduced sample size of Group 11, it differs significantly from the other two groups in age, weight and height, possibly because of the prevalence of adolescents. Posterior dental attrition was present in a higher range in 46% of the patients in Group l. Facial and midline dental deviation was seen in 33% of the patients in Group 1, and in 31% of Group 11. Only 15% patients in Group 1 and 21% in Group 11, presented alterations in the !emparo-mandibular articulation.
Editorial : Instituto Nacional de Pediatría
Colaborador(es) u otros Autores: Cadena Galdós Antonia
Rodríguez Sánchez Liliana
Sosa de Martínez María Cristina
Fecha de publicación : 2003
Tipo de publicación: Artículo
Formato: pdf
Fuente: Acta Pediátrica de México 24(2):95-99
URI : http://repositorio.pediatria.gob.mx:8180/handle/20.500.12103/1571
Idioma: spa
Aparece en las colecciones: APM

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