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Título : Inborn errors of intermediary metabolism in critically III newborns in Mexico
Inborn errors of intermediary metabolism in critically III newborns in Mexic
Creador: Reyes González, Diana Ivonne
Nivel de acceso: Open access
Palabras clave : Errores innatos del metabolismo - Genética - Recién nacido - México
lnborn errors of metabolism; neonatal intensive care unit; neonatal mortality; newborn screening
Descripción : lnborn errors of intermediary metabolism (IEiM) are complex diseases with high clinical heterogeneity and sorne patients who have severe enzyme deficiencies or are subjected to stress (catabolism/infections) actually decompensate in the neonatal period. In this study we performed metabolic tests to 2025 newborns admitted to 35 intensive care units or emergency wards NICU/EW over a 6-year period in Mexico, in whom a metabolic disorder was clinically suspected; Of these 2025 sick newborns, 11 had an IEiM, revealing a prevalence of 1:184. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of the newborns with confirmed IEiM are shown. Of these 11 patients, 4 had isolated methylmalonic acidemia, 3 had maple syrup urine disease; 2 had urea cycle disorders; and 1 each had 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acidemia and isovaleric acidemia. During the first week of life (average 3 days), all of these newborns presented with impaired alertness, hypotonia, feeding difficulties and vomiting, along with metabolic acidosis and hyperammonemia. Of the 11 newborns with an IEiM, 7 died, making the mortality rate 64%. In conclusion, the differential diagnosis of newborns admitted to the NICU/EW must include IEiM, requiring systematic screening of this population.
Colaborador(es) u otros Autores: Vela Amieva Marcela
Fecha de publicación : 2014
Tipo de publicación: Otros
Formato: pdf
URI : http://repositorio.pediatria.gob.mx:8180/handle/20.500.12103/1207
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis

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