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Título : La paroscopic approach for neovaginal creation with sigmoids in adolescents with rectovestibular anorectal malformation previously corrected
La paroscopic approach for neovaginal creation with sigmoids in adolescents with rectovestibular anorectal malformation previously corrected
Creador: Silvio Carmoma Librado
Nivel de acceso: Open access
Palabras clave : Sigmoide - Adolescentes
Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser
rectovestibular anorectal malformation
primary posterior sagital anorectoplasty
Descripción : To describe the creation of a neovagina with sigmoid using laparoscopic approach in adolescents diagnosed of anorectal malformation (ARM) and MayerRokitansky- Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome that were previously intervened using posterior sagital anorectoplasty PSARP) approach in the first months of life without correction of vaginal agenesia. Materials and methods: Two adolescents with rectovestibular ARM with a history of primary PSARP in the first months of life without the correction of vaginal agenesia were included. The patients had been completed approach for diagnosis MRKH, including enema colon, all of which pointed to MRKH syndrome and on the basis of which a laparoscopic neovaginal creation with the sigmoid were carried out. Results: The creation of neovagina with sigmoids was factible in the patients with all the cosmetic advantages and recovery that minimal invassive surgery could offer. Presently, complications such as stenosis, prolapsed, urinary and intestinal function deteriorations have not been seen and the patients are enjoying a better psychosociallife. Conclusions: In patients with ARM + MRKH. a complete pre-operatory assessment of colorectal conditions is paramount and foremost to the selection of the technique or intestinal segment to be employed. The advantages of minimal invassive surgery offered excellent cosmetic results that were harvested in psychological well-being of the adolescents. Surgical history of PSARP should not be a limiting 2 factor for creating a neovagina using minimal invassive approach. Gradually, laparoscopy surgery would replace laparotomy in these procedures.
Colaborador(es) u otros Autores: Gonzáles Zamora José Francisco
Fecha de publicación : 2014
Tipo de publicación: Otros
Formato: pdf
URI : http://repositorio.pediatria.gob.mx:8180/handle/20.500.12103/120
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis

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