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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2015A Boolean network model of human gonadal sex determinationOsiris Ríos
2004A closer look at specific therapeutic strategies in leukemiaMartinez Mancilla M.
2016A comparison of different antibiotic regimens for the treatment of infective endocarditisMartí Carvajal, Arturo J
2000A comparison of oral ondansetron syrup or intravenous ondansetron loading dose regimens given in combination with dexamethasone for the prevention of nausea and emesis in pediatric and adolescent patients receiving moderately/highly emetogenic chemotherapyWhite L.
2015A critical proton MR spectroscopy marker of Alzheimer's disease early neurodegenerative change: Low hippocampal NAA/Cr ratio impacts APOE ε 4 Mexico City children and their parentsCalderón Garcidueñas, Lilian
2012A fully liquid DTaP-IPV-Hep B-PRP-T hexavalent vaccine for primary and booster vaccination of healthy Mexican childrenAquino A.G.B
2013A multi-country study of intussusception in children under 2 years of age in Latin America: Analysis of prospective surveillance dataSáez Llorens, Xavier
2015A new method to quantify ifosfamide blood levels using dried blood spots and UPLC-MS/MS in paediatric patients with embryonic solid tumoursTorres Espíndola, Luz María
2015A novel CD40LG deletion causes the hyper-IgM syndrome with normal CD40L expression in a 6-month-old childLopez Herrera, Gabriela
2014A patient with trisomy 13 mosaicism with an unusual skin pigmentary pattern and prolonged survivalGonzález del Angel, Ariadna
2002A previously unreported syndrome of multiple scalp whorls and associated anomaliesRuiz Maldonado R.
2006A proposal for an international retinoblastoma staging systemAntoneli C.B.G.
2016A randomized trial of factor VIII and neutralizing antibodies in hemophilia APeyvandi F.
2011A reliable method of liquid chromatographyfor the quantification of acetaminophen andidentification of its toxic metaboliteN-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine for applicationin pediatric studiesFlores Pérez, Carmen
2013A reliable method to quantify sildenafil and its metabolite N-demethylsildenafil by HPLC in plasma of childrenRamírez Mendiola, Blanca
2011Abusive head trauma at a tertiary care children's hospital in Mexico City. A preliminary studyDíaz Olavarrieta C.,
2016ACAID as a potential therapeutic approach to modulate inflammation in neurodegenerative diseasesToscano Tejeida D
2013Acid ceramidase as a therapeutic target in metastatic prostate cancer.Camacho Luz
2007Acral Darier's disease coexisting with fanconi anaemiaSaez de Ocariz M.,
2013Actividad antioxidante del topiramato: un agente antiepilépticoCárdenas Rodríguez, Noemí